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BOOK NOW$399 BB Glow
Foundation Series*
*Series must be started by May 31, 2024. Non-transferrable and not to be combined
with any other offer. Treatments must be performed 7-10 day a part.


Renewal Peels

Chemical peels improve the skin’s appearance and induce regeneration of smooth, new skin, removing hyperpigmentation and sun damage. Kelly uses different types of chemicals in peels, depending on the patient’s skin type and area of the body being treated.

Kelly's Organics

Kelly uses the finest organic ingredients to achieve great results.

Virtual Esthetics

Experience one-on-one virtual private sessions with a master esthetician in the comfort of your own home!


Kelly focuses on reversing the signs of aging and slowing it down. She stays current with skin discoveries from around the world to bring you the very best in skincare.

Lashes & Brows

As an Elleebana Certified Technician, Kelly offers the highest quality Australian Brand Lash Lifts, Brow Lamination, Lash & Brow Tinting and Brow Waxing.

First time with Kelly?

Not sure what you need or never been to an esthetician before? Kelly offers a complimentary consultation and skin analysis to help you choose the best treatment for your skin that day (price will vary depending on the service you choose). So come in worry-free, and get ready to embark on your new journey to having amazing skin!





507 SW 1st Ave, Ocala (inside Proper Tease Salon)

© Kelly Reese - Modern Skin Esthetics 2022. All rights reserved.